Day 6 – Lincoln City to Kalaloch Lodge

2019/05 - LAX to SEA

Day 6 – Lincoln City to Kalaloch Lodge

Well, that was epic.

We started the day in Lincoln City. The hotel that we were staying in, romantic as it is, lacks a restaurant. So the first order of business was to forage for food. This took us a little further down the road to the Wildflower Grill, one of my favorite restaurants in town.

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Day 7 – In Lake Tahoe

2009/06 - California or Bust...

Day 7 – In Lake Tahoe

Spending Canada Day in Lake Tahoe (or anywhere in the United States, for that matter) is an interesting exercise in cognitive dissonance and cultural alienation. Three days before the 4th of July, and the countryside already abounds with red, white and blue bunting and flags flap from just about any place you could think to hang one. Read more…

Day 1 – To Victoria

2009/04 - Back to the Lighthouse

Day 1 – To Victoria

There are those that will tell you that it can’t be done. And there are those that will tell you that it shouldn’t be done. And then, there are those that will go ahead and do it anyway.

After 835 hours of work over 8 straight weeks (with one day off to go buy a motorcycle trailer in Airdrie) I had pretty much hit a wall. A big, hard, immovable wall. Read more…

Day 1 – To Victoria

2008/03 - The Short Way Across

Day 1 – To Victoria


Landing in Victoria I got that bittersweet feeling I always get when I come out to the west coast… The island was where I lived for seven years…and only caught one salmon. It’s where I hiked the West Coast Trail…and blew both knees. Where we started Pangaea…and I almost married Carolyn. Ok, maybe more bitter than sweet… Read more…

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