Day 5 – To Victoria

2009/04 - Back to the Lighthouse

Day 5 – To Victoria

There is no such thing as an uneventful motorcycle journey. For some, this is probably the appeal of travelling on two wheels. For others, it is probably their principle source of horror. But, once again, I seem to be getting ahead of myself… Read more…

Day 4 – In Ucluelet

2009/04 - Back to the Lighthouse

Day 4 – In Ucluelet

Sunday dawned wetly. At least, to the degree ‘dawned’ is operative as a verb in this sentence, given that we didn’t really see the sun on Sunday morning. The oft proclaimed yet not-yet-seen rain visited Ucluelet with a vengeance, meaning that the bike and I wouldn’t be doing a whole lot of riding. Read more…

Day 3 – In Ucluelet

2009/04 - Back to the Lighthouse

Day 3 – In Ucluelet

We arrived in Ucluelet last evening, and engaged in the (now) time honoured tradition of racing to the Co-op to pick up steak, potatoes and Caesar salad in a box. Stepping in to the cabin at the Terrace Beach Resort (the Amphitrite, as Sea Glass was already booked — although that too has aspects both ironic and appropriate, as it’s the name of the self same lighthouse that this series honours) we were greeted by a television already tuned to Lighthouse TV. Read more…

Day 2 – To Ucluelet

2009/04 - Back to the Lighthouse

Day 2 – To Ucluelet

There are deeply twisted consequences to working a ridiculous schedule for an extended period of time. And there are ludicrous contexts that can quickly become normal. Take, for example, the concept of sleep. One would think, being tired, that someone would want to sleep in. And yet, on a morning when there are no commitments, no alarms and not even a working clock in the bedroom, when 5:30am rolls around I’m awake. Read more…

Day 1 – To Victoria

2009/04 - Back to the Lighthouse

Day 1 – To Victoria

There are those that will tell you that it can’t be done. And there are those that will tell you that it shouldn’t be done. And then, there are those that will go ahead and do it anyway.

After 835 hours of work over 8 straight weeks (with one day off to go buy a motorcycle trailer in Airdrie) I had pretty much hit a wall. A big, hard, immovable wall. Read more…

Day 11 – Home to Edmonton

2008/06 - The West Coast Trail

Day 11 – Home to Edmonton

Today, we headed for home. We had a slightly more leisurely start, giving everyone a chance to get some sleep. Mom and I got together at 8:00am for breakfast, while Dianne continued to get her beauty rest. She has certainly earned it. Read more…

Day 9 – To Canmore

2008/06 - The West Coast Trail

Day 9 – To Canmore

Sadly, today began the re-entry into reality. After eight days on the road, I had to go to work. This evening and tomorrow, I would be facilitating a strategic planning session for a customer in Canmore. Dianne and Mom would be getting an opportunity to spend some time together, while I spent some time earning my keep. Read more…

Day 8 – Still in Kelowna

2008/06 - The West Coast Trail

Day 8 – Still in Kelowna

Having arrived in Kelowna last night, today was a rest day. After 2,337 km in 6 days, Wolfgang pretty much spent the day catching his breath. In the meantime, we did what any other self-respecting bikers do upon descending upon Kelowna. We went wine tasting. Read more…

Day 7 – To Kelowna

2008/06 - The West Coast Trail

Day 7 – To Kelowna

I should have seen it coming. I should have recognized the inevitable. There would be consequences. You don’t get away with ridiculing the Catholic Church without there being consequences. And as could be reasonably expected, those consequences would be swift, ruthless and painful. Especially given that it’s Friday the 13th. Read more…

Day 6 – Back to Vancouver

2008/06 - The West Coast Trail

Day 6 – Back to Vancouver

Today marked our return trip to Vancouver. Travelling back through Nanaimo to Horseshoe Bay, we had a choice of two sailings – a 12:30pm and a 3:00pm. The 3:00pm sailing would put us back into Vancouver just in time for rush hour. The 12:30pm sailing meant we need to be on the road by no later than 8:45am in order to catch the ferry. Early sailing it is. Read more…

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