Day 4 – To Hood River

2009/06 - California or Bust...

Day 4 – To Hood River

Saturday was a day of rest and relaxation. Well, it was for Dianne. Saturday was the day that I focussed on getting everything that didn’t get done before I left completed and out of my inbox. The good news is, I did. The better news is, I now consider myself to be truly on vacation. Three days and nearly a thousand kilometres from home, but genuinely and truly on vacation. Read more…

Day 2 – To Spokane

2009/06 - California or Bust...

Day 2 – To Spokane

Friday dawned bright and sunny to find me in front of my computer, desperately trying to finish off my work before the start of my vacation. Which, of course, has already started. But really, when you get down to it, there is no well founded reason why this vacation should start any differently. And so we shall adhere strictly to tradition, which means that it’ll be at least Sunday before I’m caught up. Read more…

Day 1 – To Calgary

2009/06 - California or Bust...

Day 1 – To Calgary

Eventually, my profound inability to proactively prepare for a motorcycle trip will disappear as a footnote to my many and storied adventures. This is a hope. The reality, however, is that it will probably be an on-going and increasingly pathetic prologue to my desperate attempts to enjoy what is an admittedly impressive though currently underused fleet of motorcycles. Read more…

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