Day 8 – Still in Kelowna

2008/06 - The West Coast Trail

Day 8 – Still in Kelowna

Having arrived in Kelowna last night, today was a rest day. After 2,337 km in 6 days, Wolfgang pretty much spent the day catching his breath. In the meantime, we did what any other self-respecting bikers do upon descending upon Kelowna. We went wine tasting. Read more…

Day 5 – In Ulcuelet

2008/06 - The West Coast Trail

Day 5 – In Ulcuelet

By accident more than design, today was a day of rest. Sort of. After four days of motorcycling, it’s extremely nice to not have to go anywhere unless we feel like it. We’re staying where we are for tonight. After a brief jaunt out to get some breakfast, we’re back at the cabin for a relaxing morning here. I have some work to catch up on: the inevitable last report that didn’t get done before I left on vacation. Read more…

Day 2 – Victoria to Ucluelet

2008/03 - The Short Way Across

Day 2 – Victoria to Ucluelet


Woke up Friday morning suffering from altitude sickness causing by drinking too many martinis at lower elevations. Yeah, a wee bit foggy but still anxious to ride. Of course, before we headed out, Mark had to install all of the electronics needed to undertake a perilous journey of this magnitude; iPod mounts, heated vests, GPS and radar detector. Read more…

Day 1 – To Victoria

2008/03 - The Short Way Across

Day 1 – To Victoria


Landing in Victoria I got that bittersweet feeling I always get when I come out to the west coast… The island was where I lived for seven years…and only caught one salmon. It’s where I hiked the West Coast Trail…and blew both knees. Where we started Pangaea…and I almost married Carolyn. Ok, maybe more bitter than sweet… Read more…

Day 0 – Getting ready

2008/03 - The Short Way Across

Day 0 – Getting ready


Not exactly sure how the idea originally came up but I’m pretty sure it involved wine. Mark and I had been grumping for a while about the length of winter and the desire to ride. Somewhere along the way we started talking about doing a Ewan/Charley style epic journey and eventually landed on the idea of a ride across Vancouver Island all the way from Victoria to Ucluelet. Read more…

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