Day 2 – Heading To Bath

2017/06 - A Return to England with Mom

Day 2 – Heading To Bath

After a spectacular weekend with friends, we are back on the road once again. Today, we head from Shrewsbury to Bath. We have essentially chunked up our trip, with three nights of visits, three nights flitting about and three more nights of visits. So the next three days have us hotel hopping, as we check out the southern coast of England (which neither of us are terribly familiar with it).

First, however, we have to GET to the southern end of England. Read more…

Day 9 – Riding The Corkscrew – Anticipation

2009/06 - California or Bust...

Day 9 – Riding The Corkscrew – Anticipation

The thoughts passing through my head looked something like the following narrative: “Shit!” Followed by, “Well, I guess I’m screwed. There’s no way I’m going to get my registration and get back to the racetrack in time.” Pause. Longer pause. Resigned look at the bike. Read more…

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